Wong Shun Leung (黃淳樑, b. 1935 - d. 1997) is one of the most famous students of Wing Chun Grandmaster Ip Man (葉問). Undefeated in "Beimo" (比武 - challenge matches), Wong rightly earned the nickname, "Gong Sau Wong" (講手王 - King of Talking Hands).

  • The alternate spelling "Ving Tsun" over "Wing Chun" is attributed to Wong Shun Leung.
  • Bruce Lee credits Wong Shun Leung as his kung fu instructor.
  • Wong Shun Leung refers to his Ving Tsun system as "kuen hok" or combat science.
  • Notable students include Gary Lam, Wan Kam Leung, Philipp Bayer, and David Peterson.


Wing Chun: the Science of In-fighting (1970)

Wong Shun Leung: the King of Talking Hands (2016)

The Art of Wong Shun Leung: a Ving Tsun Journey (2016)


Look Beyond the Pointing Finger: the Combat Philosophy of Wong Shun Leung (2nd ed, 2011)

WSL Ving Tsun Kuen Hok: an Overview in the Form of Essays (2016)